Hey there!

I'm Chris

Creative Director and Graphic Designer. I love solving the problem, looking for ways to make the complex simple and working with a team to do great work. I have been very lucky to work with some of the best people.

My Career so far

The best way to see where i have been is to visit my linked.in page.

Where I have worked
Graphic Design
UX Design
"Chris is an amazing creative leader. Being a part of his team was one of the best experiences of my career and I've learned so much from him. Not only does Chris have an amazing design, branding and strategy mind, he is also a leader who truly cares about and advocates for his team. Its no surprise that his team at Yahoo was known for having the lowest turnover! Chris is someone who knows when to roll up his sleeves and dive into a project and when to take a step back and let his team members take the lead. He's positive, innovative, genuine, and extremely funny!"
Marketing Director | Yahoo
“Chris leads with experience and calm. He approaches every situation with logic and clarity, and looks to find a creative solution, even if he has to jump in himself. He has sculpted a talented team of creatives, all with similar, but unique skills, and understands the value that each of them brings to the Marketing Team as a whole. Chris brings empathy and levity to the team culture, as well as intelligence and creativity. He is cool under pressure, leads with confidence, and knows when to delegate and trust his team with the ball. He's a great captain.”
Sr. Marketing Director | Yahoo
“Chris has the power to lead and look at the team with a human lens, I feel comfortable and inspired at the same time to take risks and try new things. Chris makes the team feel almost like a family, but he isn’t overbearing and lets us really drive our own work. I respect and appreciate Chris’s leadership style.”
Art Director | Yahoo
"Chris did an amazing job growing and maximizing the B2B Ads Marketing Creative Team. His partnership with the adjacent departments and especially the consumer creative team did two powerful things for the Yahoo business: 1. He grew individuals on the team and created an opportunity for each of them to learn from each other. 2. He expanded the scope of what the team was able to accomplish. Chris is a rock as a player / coach on any team and a leader that others look to for a sense of calm focus and strategic direction. Chris oversaw the successful launch of the new rebranded and completed revamped Yahoo AdTech website. This was a huge milestone for the B2B Marketing Team, becoming a tool for the entire organization to use in 2023 marketing executions. Chris put in place a strong Web Team who did an incredible job of utilizing the strengths of each of its members, including the experience and expertise of Chris to manage the overall project."
Jen Whelan
SVP, Head of B2B Marketing | Yahoo

A few nice things people have said.